Savings tip # 3: Eat home cooked food and 4 ways to avoid the restaurant

We all know that eating outside is a very costly affair, yet we continue to eat at restaurants week after week. In this article I have documented some of the reasons why my family has ended up eating out

1. When we come back from work, we are very tired and so we end up going out to eat.
Solution: Always have a healthy snack ready for you to eat, prepare a cup of tea or coffee and relax with a glass of wine for a few minutes before starting to cook dinner.

2. We do not know what to cook, so even when the fridge is full of produce we end up eating out at restaurants
Solution: Always prepare a weekly menu over the weekend, make sure to purchase all the items needed to prepare your dish. When you have your menu and ingredients at hand it is easy to put something together.

3. We are ready to cook but just do not have the recipe.
Solution: Maintain a folder of all your tried and tested recipes, and keep the book in a specially designated place in the kitchen. By having your recipes readily available you will not have to browse the Internet every time you have to cook something.

4. We are in a hurry to leave for work, and forget to bag the lunch.
Solution: Bag your lunch the night before.


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